What is a hospital antibacterial soap? It is one of the cleaning products that are used by consumers and staff at hospitals that have antibacterial chemical agents that cam kill bacteria, but they do not kill viruses. Triclosan is a common ingredient on most liquid, hand and body soaps. Some of the studies have concluded that when you simply wash your hands thoroughly with plain soap, bacteria are sufficiently reduced. But more extensive studies have shown that hospital antibacterial soap removes more bacteria than just by washing with water and an ordinary soap. And hospitals can not afford to let bacteria run wild in their wards. Antimicrobial soap and frequent hand washing are keys to reducing bacterial infections.
Hospital antibacterial soap is very important in controlling the spread of bacterial in a hospitals and reduces the risk of getting infection. The benefit of washing hands using an antibacterial soap has been proven in obstetrics, in operating rooms, in intensive care units and in doctor’s offices as well as in every health care setting. Hand washing has been proven effective in preventing such common infections in little children at home and in school.
When is the proper time to wash your hands? Children and adults too must be taught to wash their hands at critical moments. They must wash their hands after changing a diaper, before eating and handling food, before feeding children and defecating. Remember to wash not only with water but with hospital antibacterial soap and it takes about 15 to 20 seconds to do that. Do you know that washing with soil and water is more effective that washing only with water alone?
Hospital anti-microbial soap is more effective in reducing infections by some organisms. The germ killing soap can get rid and kill much of the bacteria that usually lives on our skin and can protect us from getting and spreading infection.
Doctors and nurses use hospital antibacterial soap even in their homes and teach their children to wash their hands regularly with antibacterial liquid soaps and instant hand sanitizers. When they teach their children to effectively wash their hands especially with hospital antibacterial soap, they will have lesser visits to their doctor. Parents will save on drugs and doctors visits when their kids are healthy. Kids will not have to miss school and not get ill that often. Schools and hospitals with regular hand washing programs have fewer cases of infections on students, patients and hospital staff.
The researchers found out that bacteria from people’s hands have not changed generally in recent years. But it is said that health care professionals compared to the general population have fewer bacteria. That is probably because they pay more attention on washing their hands regularly than us and use hospital grade antibacterial soaps at work and in their homes.
How to wash your hands:
First you should wet your hands with warm water. If there is no warm water then tap water will do. Then apply a hospital antibacterial liquid soap to your hands and do not put your hands under the running water yet. Give at least 20 seconds of rubbing your hands with hospital antibacterial soap. Then rinse under the running water.
Rydoexpress stocks the major brands of antibacterial soap on the market today including Gojo, Kimberly Clark, Kimcare, Johnson Diversey, Lever 2000, Dial, Colgate Palmolive, Softsoap, Lurosep, and more.