Let me introduce Susan Moore. Susan is an EFT practitioner and lovely person. Susan introduced the idea of WHEE in one of my EFT teleclass, Surrogate Tapping, and we were all intrigued with WHEE, and I asked Susan for details and links. When she responded, I looked through the links, even went on YouTube, and there was no explanation of what WHEE consists of. So I asked Susan to explain to us what she knows about WHEE in another teleclass. I am very grateful to Susan for her input on and leading up to the call, from which this precis is taken.

So, what is WHEE? WHEE is the Wholistic Hybrid derived from EMDR and EFT. Susan finds that WHEE works better for her than EFT. She particularly likes the way that in WHEE, tapping is on both sides of the face or body, and that you tap not both sides at once, but alternately – For example, left, right, left, right, left, right.

WHEE also has two more differences from EFT. You only use one point, and it uses what is called the Butterfly Hug. This involves crossing your arms and tapping on the outside of your arms with your hands. Susan likes the way the Butterfly Hug can be used in a public place without attracting too much attention. She also pointed out that skeptics are more likely to accept using it, because it simply mimics having your arms crossed, something all of us do.

I said to Susan that I usually do EFT with clients bilaterally on both sides of the face/body, whenever I think they are open to it or whenever it is convenient. I also often tap alternating the sides when I do it on my own. And I often tap one or two points only when tapping on myself, and often tap only one or a few points when tapping on a client. With this in mind, why use a different technique called WHEE when we can do all that with EFT anyway?

Susan surprised me with the answer. Basically, Daniel J Benor, the founder of WHEE, was working at a medical institution where he needed a good releasing technique like EFT to help his patients. When he asked the powers-that-be if he could use EFT, the answer was no, he was not allowed to, as there was not as yet enough evidence for that institution to approve of EFT´s use. So he thought about it and found a way around this. He asked if he could use EMDR, a method already approved, and the answer was yes. However, he also wanted to be able to use the statements in EFT, which I understand made the process gentler than EMDR alone. So he asked if he could use affirmations, and the answer was yes, since affirmations are widely accepted. And so he mixed EMDR with EFT affirmations and came up with WHEE.

It was a very interesting adventure tapping on just one point in the class, the Collarbone, and achieving great results. Personally, I like to tap on my Under Nipple point too, as it balances the inherent weaknesses in my Liver meridian and keeps me on an even keel. So I was aching to tap on various different points that I know make me feel so good. However, I can imagine if I was a patient of MD Daniel Benor’s and had no idea of how to help myself feel better, WHEE would be my saviour. I have great admiration for him and his wonderful technique.

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