Most approaches to the problem of “Suicidal Thoughts” center around counseling, followed by drug treatment. I do not believe that either path would have much significant effect in the outcome. The counseling approach will no doubt work in some instances, but the actual reality in a large number of cases is this approach does not work. People who consider suicide do so because they wish to escape from the way they feel or the pain they are feeling. Reassuring words are not suddenly going to make everything right, they need help, tangible help, not words that help the speaker far more than the person with the problem.

This comforting talk will only delay the inevitable, it will not deter the person who is determined to follow the path to self destruction. There has to be a better way, and I believe that there is a better way. It is not through counseling and certainly not through the poisons that will be prescribed by the medical profession. Drugs such as “Prozac” do have some potentially nasty side effects. Listen to this line from the manufacturer of Prozac, then decide if you would agree to your depressed child being prescribed this poison: “Side effects of Prozac are minor and either does not require medical attention or can be treated easily. However, if you develop any serious problems, such as suicidal thoughts or behavior, hallucinations, or panic attacks, notify your healthcare provider immediately”. Another one: “Antidepressent medicines may increase suicidal thoughts or actions in some children, teenagers and young adults in the first few months of treatment”, the first few months? That is when they need the most help!, not some antagonist drug that may well push them over the line.

Even before Prozac was first approved in the USA in December 1987, there were more than 15 suicides linked to it. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) knew this but failed to do anything about it.

What nonsense is this?, you go to a so called “health care professional” to get help for your child with a mental disorder and this “professional” prescribes this poison. The medicine which is supposed to help, is only going to aggravate the problem further, much better off doing nothing. I also bet this doctor fails to warn you of these likely unwanted possible side-effects of his poison, that is of course if he knows anything about them, which I doubt. Your family doctor is notorious for not keeping up with the latest medical developments.

Now have a read of this nonsense: Primary care doctors (your family doctor) played a major role in turning antidepressants like Prozac into top sellers. In fact, they treated more patients with mental problems than the Psychiatrists. They have taken it onto themselves to prescribe dangerous drugs for conditions, they know little about.

Welcome in Magnesium (mg). It seems most of our highly educated medical professionals do not have much knowledge about this one, probably because it makes no money for the “Drug Cartels” who support them.

In 1934, the Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine in France stated “The use of magnesium permits one to support adversity with more serenity,”

Now, magnesium deficiency is a leading cause of depression. Major depression is a mental disorder distinguished by: despondency, pessimism, sadness, inadequacy (low self worth), guilt, shame, anger, emptiness and lack of interest in life in general.

Small Problems Become Large Problems

Experimental studies show that when one is low on magnesium, small problems become large, overpowering. People deprived of magnesium suffer from super excitability, they become hysterical at the sound of small noises or even at the sight of shadows.

It is hard to believe that a lack in our diets of the mineral magnesium could be linked to the increasing suicide rates, but the evidence is there.

Magnesium Deficiency symptoms: Magnesium deficiency causes increased levels of adrenaline, which can lead to a feeling of anxiety. Magnesium abnormalities can cause mental illness. The authors of a study in England believe that the patients who seemed most disturbed may have some abnormality of magnesium metabolism.

Some Common Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms:

* Hypertension
* Cardiovascular disease
* Some forms of cancer
* Compromised immune system
(with secondary problems as a result)
* Erectile dysfunction
* Diabetes
* Vitamin K deficiency
* Migraine
* Depression
* Asthma
* Insomnia
* Osteoporosis (brittle bones)
* Certain form of allergy
* Increased sensitivity to stress
* Involuntary muscle twitches

Some reasons for Magnesium deficiency:

1 – Lack of magnesium in the diet

2 – Strenuous exercise without replenishing the minerals

3 – Poor absorption: Low hydrochloric acid in the stomach

4 – Stress depletes the body of minerals and especially magnesium.

5 – Refined carbohydrates, alcohol and coffee deplete magnesium.

You can help by simply rebuilding the levels of a mineral that has long been leached from all our bodies by our bad western diet – MAGNESIUM.

Every food that was originally rich in magnesium has been bleached, leached and purified to such an extent that there is none on the original minerals such as magnesium left.

So, what can we gather from all this? There is some cause that our supposedly clever medical gurus are missing and that something could very well be magnesium. So what do you do?

Magnesium and Depression/suicide:

It has been stated that: a deficiency, even when mild, increases susceptibility to various types of neurological and psychological stressors in healthy human subjects. Reverse this deficiency and you neutralize this stress sensitivity, the bottom line? Magnesium reduces stress and stress may very well be the root cause of the suicide problem. Feelings of distress can be reduced with mg, reduce the distress felt and the perception of that person will also alter, they may no longer contemplate suicide as the only solution. For your own benefit, and that of your loved ones, you must become aware of magnesium.

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