Just on CNN.com to day was an article on “The Secret,” the book that has taken the world (literally) by storm outlining what has commonly become known as The Law of Attraction. While there is nothing new about this “Law” – it’s been written about for decades – what is new is the presentation and the popularity in our culture.
So what’s really at issue? Let’s look an example. Not long ago I heard a lady expressing how “The Secret” had changed her perspective – how she was going to use the law of attraction to change her health and wealth. She was pumped and full of enthusiasm. Seems she had been ill for some time and felt that through using “The Secret,” she could attract the funds she needed to seek some desperately needed medical help. On the surface everything seemed reasonable. You attract to you what you seek or what you hold in consciousness. Therefore ask and you will receive, a fundamental tenant of “The Secret” or “the Law of Attraction,” should yield the results that you seek.
“Should” – but here’s there’s more to the story. Seems the person seeking funding for medical care is on long-term disability. There is no doubt that the individual is ill and needs medical attention. But as Paul Harvey would say – here’s the rest of the story. The person in question contracted her illness 20+ years ago. That was not revealed to the company through whom she has long-term disability. In her words, “has they known when I got sick, it would have been considered a pre-existing condition and I would not have received my disability benefit. So I never talk about those early days.”
Wow…my first thought was here was someone who knew that perhaps they wouldn’t qualify for a benefit, but was willing to play the system for personal gain. Would they willing to be honest and accept the consequences? Again, let me make it clear – I don’t doubt the illness – I’m concerned about the ethics of taking what may not be rightly theirs. But the story goes deeper.
While on long-term disability the individual in question found out that the insurance company had her under investigation. It seems that insurance companies are quick to investigate in order to avoid fraudulent claims or payouts. Do insurance companies use ethical tactics in order to find out the truth? Probably not – however, there have been many documented claims of disability when, in fact, it was not 100% true. Does this justify unethical investigational tactics? No, but one could see how that could apply when the rest of the story is revealed.
Let’s take it a bit further. A person who has 100% disability prepares for a trip to a large city in anticipation of a major performance at a world renowned venue. Wait – this is confusing, I thought folks with disabilities – especially 100% were, well let’s say, challenged with strenuous effort. I agree. But let’s look at the facts – packing suit cases, traveling to the airport, boarding a plane, going to the hotel, practicing for hours (in anticipation of the performance), standing for hours (before and during the performance) and then attending a celebration meeting following. Doesn’t sound like someone who is totally disabled.
But there’s more. How did this go undetected by the insurance company? Good question. One suitcase was wrapped up like a gift so that it would not appear suspicious as it was taken out of the dwelling. And, upon return, the disabled individual exited (not at her dwelling), but a ways away – so that she could move behind the building – jump a fence – and sneak in the back door so that anyone watching would not know that she returned. And what about the suitcases. She had them taken to another location so that she could unpack them a little at a time – carrying the contents in grocery bags – again to fool any insurance investigator who might be looking.
“I don’t want them to know I’ve been away. Otherwise, they would follow me and use the trip against me in their attempt to deny my claim,” stated the individual. It appears that the insurance company would contend that she could do some work – and while that might be true – she sure didn’t want to let them know that.
While I will say, yet again, that I don’t doubt her illness – I am amazed at the lack of ethics and integrity involved in trying to dupe the insurance company – thereby, enabling the ability to gain financial benefit.
But what does this have to do with the “Law of Attraction?” There are many “laws” that we live under and through which govern our world as it operates daily. There’s the “law of gravity.” We can’t deny that. Likewise, there is another law – some know it as “You reap what you sow,” or the “law of cause and effect.” Either way, as a motivation speaker, I find that I am called up to speak to groups about the application of this law – as I have lived through both the consequences and benefits of it’s application. I speak first hand on Choices: Negative Consequences – Positive Results a keynote speech that outlines the power we have as individuals based on the choices we make. Further, the presentation, Make It Happen is a keynote presentation outlining the practical application of the “Law of Attraction.”
What seems true is that the laws we speak of work only if they are congruent with other universal laws. For example, the “law of attraction” will not reward someone financially if they rob a bank, as that is in congruent with the “law of cause and effect,” which will generate a negative consequence for the robbery – prison. Similarly, one will not be rewarded with positive results long term through lying.
We do reap what we sow and, generally, on a universal level we have in our lives what we attract to us. In this case (I may be proved wrong – but I don’t think so), I doubt that the universe, through the “Law of Attraction” will provide the necessary funding for the medical care this person seeks – since such attraction would be in congruent with other universal laws. Dishonesty, unethical behavior, or lack of integrity, all combined will produce an outcome that is less than this persons best.
As a motivational speaker who speaks on the “Law of Attraction” as well as the “Law of Cause and Effect,” I feel compelled to share with this individual the truth about the application of these laws. Yet, after several conversations – I’m quite convinced the message won’t be heard. So often we get so caught up in our web of deceit that we can’t see the truth – even when it’s in front of us. More importantly, we may not be willing to accept the consequences of changing our behavior – and at that point, the consequences – when they appear – will be more dramatic than we might ever anticipate. Insurance fraud is punishable by prison – which is not the outcome being sought.