Kriti Sanon is currently all busy with the promotion of her upcoming film Bachchan Panday. The actress has been stunning us with her amazing work for some years now, and her commercial biggie Bachchan Panday starring alongside Akshay Kumar, Arshad Warsi and Jacqueline Fernandez the actress is currently making it to the headlines. Speaking of that, the actress has now spoken about the competition in the industry.
Talking to PTI, she said, “I don’t think we have stopped making those big, commercial entertainers, it is just that we haven’t had those many releases. There is a lineup of films, all blockbuster potential, waiting to come. We feel like that because in that short period of time, few South films came and made a mark, which was fantastic. These films do really well, they clock in huge numbers as there is a huge audience for it. So, as long as the audience is there, these films won’t ever go out of style, they will keep getting made,”
She added, “It is a healthy time for all. Today a lot of bilingual, trilingual films are being made which earlier wasn’t the case. Technicians would still work across the industries, many of them during my first film were from the South. But for actors it’s happening now, which is great,”
Talking about Bachchan Panday, she said, “It had all the elements, action, comedy, drama, thrill which worked for me. It is smartly done and within that world, I feature as this urban girl, a role I hadn’t played in a while. She is a gutsy girl who enters this poles-apart world to make a film on a gangster who can kill her any moment. I found that hook very interesting.” as stated in Zee News.
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