In order to obtain a Hearing Aid Dispenser License, you must first pass the Hearing Aid Dispenser written and practical exam. The written exam is designed to verify your knowledge level in performing hearing aid dispensing related activities.
We would like to summarize the composition of the exam and its associated info based on the contents provided by the PSI exam site. The following exam information is for candidates in the state of California, but most of information here can be applied to other states. The composition of this exam will be categorized in 10 sections as following: 1. Client case history, 2. Ear inspection and procedure, 3. Audiometric testing, 4. Audiometric test result and audiogram interpretation, 5. Patient assessment and evaluation, 6. Amplification and hearing aid selection, 7. Ear impression and procedure, 8. Knowledge about hearing aids, 9. Hearing aid fitting with the patients, 10. Post-fitting care.
Most questions on the exam are either direct or negative, such as: what is not, where is not, what is, etc. Negative questions tend to be more difficult, thus, you need to pay special attention to any negative words, verbs, and phrases in the questions and answers.
The Hearing Aid Dispenser written exam is not designed with any highly complicated jargon. It has descriptive question that verify your competence to handle hearing loss patients. The exam is not difficult if you apply common sense to the questions.
Secondly, the Hearing Aid Dispenser practical examination is a very straight forward procedure. In this exam, you should keep in mind that you need to talk continuously about the procedure you are doing until the exam is finished.
Here I would like to briefly explain how to handle the exam and how not how to handle the exam. The exam is composed of three parts: Audiometric testing, Ear impression, and Post-fitting care. Audiometric testing is also divided into three parts: 1. Setup the audiometer, 2. Ear or otoscopic inspection, 3. Audiometric testing. Same with Ear impression: 1. Ear inspection, 2. Ear impression procedure, 3.BTE pre-delivery. Post-fitting care is composed of 4: 1. Replacement of tube, 2. Delivery and orientation, 3. Routine service an ITE, 4. Trouble shooting for hearing aids.
You will need to bring your own subject to be tested for the audiometric testing and ear impression. Your subject and you should wear decent attire that represents how sincerely you are participating in the exam and that show your professionalism. Please do not wear tank-top t-shirt or slippers, etc. When your name is called, follow the guide to the appropriate room to be tested. Please do not forget to greet to the proctors and show your sincerity in the full course of the exam.
Most of the time, there will be two proctors. You may be nervous, but it is fine. Sometimes, a little nervousness leads to a better result and represents a good faith to the exam. When you describe something, specifically in the post-fitting section, you should talk continuously until the exam is finished. And you must keep eye contact with the proctor to deliver your knowledge about any subject to get a better point.
In the exam, if you make a minor mistake, ask them if you can do it again correctly, and just do it without their permission unless the proctors firmly say not to do it. The proctors are not only marking your scores, but also observing how you handle the exam as if you are a professional in the real world who cares about hearing loss patients. Your professional attitude and sincerity toward the exam are important although it is not explicitly described in the test guideline.
Before you take the practical examination, you should practice all of the exam procedure at least 30 times thoroughly so you can get familiar with it. We believe you will pass the Hearing Aid Dispenser written and practical exam if you follow the above-mentioned guideline.
We all wish you pass the exam.