There are a lot of diseases that are called as ‘Silent Killers’. These diseases are called silent killers because they remain silent, that means there is no obvious symptom but they are deadly diseases.

A number of diseases are called ‘Silent Killers’. In this article, you will come to know about some famous diseases that act silently.

A very common disease is hypertension that is known as silent killer. The dangerous situation in this disease is, that load on heart becomes extra. It can even damage the kidneys in some cases.
The most common way to avoid this is to go for a routine blood pressure check up.

High Cholesterol is another such disease that is very dangerous. Having high cholesterol means you are creating problem for your heart and you are very prone to common heart diseases.
Patients should go for regular medical checkups to avoid critical situations.

Diabetes, however, is not very much famous as a silent killer but this disease is rated as top killer in medical community. Before you come to know that you are suffering from diabetes, this disease can result a lot of high blood pressure and damage the blood vessels.

The number ranking for silent killer diseases can be given to ‘Heart Disease’. It kills more people around the world than compared to other disease. Even cancer cannot compete with this disease in USA.

The best way to avoid such critical diseases is to go for a regular check up and remain up to date about your health.
All the diseases that we have stated above are very common around the world. So it is better you should be aware and take some initiatives for your health.

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