The cheapest exercise bikes are uprights, but the cheapest may not be a good buy. The Schwinn 101 Upright Exercise bike isn’t the cheapest, but it offers several advantages. Like any upright, it’s relatively light and easy to move, but quality is more important. Here are reasons why the Schwinn may make sense.
Schwinn Durability
Buy a cheap exercise bike and you may well be throwing your money away. A lightweight machine will literally tear itself apart in short order. The money you spend on a discount store bike is often wasted if you intend to actually ride the bike. This machine costs a little more, but read the owner comments and you’ll see this machine holds up. There are a lot of reviews available, because many of these machines are sold.
Electronics Too
For one of Schwinn’s cheaper bikes you might not expect much electronics. The computer power isn’t like the more expensive bikes. You do, however, get 8 levels of resistance, 6 preset programs, plus built-in heart rate monitoring. The drive is a magnetic eddy current resistance unit too. That’s a big plus over a cheap friction drive.
And The Ride
That magnetic drive does something important. It produces silence in the drive and smoothness too. A smooth, quiet drive means you can watch videos while you drive and even hear the sound. It’ll be more fun to ride which means you’ll ride more and that’s how you get the results you’re after. Get in shape and lose those excess pounds.
The Schwinn 101 Upright Exercise Bike is one of the company’s cheapest. It’s still a Schwinn though, so you get a tough bike that’s quiet and smooth to ride. There are so many already sold that you can read a lot of owner feedback and see what to expect before you purchase.