Nearly 600 people should get revaccinated after Denver health care provider gives out expired doses

ByKatherine S

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Colorado’s Department of Public Health and Environment is recommending nearly 600 people get revaccinated for COVID-19 after a Denver-based provider administered vaccines past their use date.

Bloom Healthcare gave 585 Moderna vaccines between September 2021 and May 2022 that were past their beyond-use date, state public health officials said in Monday evening news release.

Bloom Healthcare self-reported the error to the state, the news release said, and is contacting those affected via phone and email.

The state temporarily paused Bloom from administering and reordering COVID-19 vaccines, but recently reauthorized their approved, health officials said. The state is also requiring the company to complete a COVID-19 vaccine compliance improvement plan “to ensure similar administration errors do not occur again,” the state agency said.

The majority of vaccine doses administered by Bloom are not affected. Vaccines given past their beyond-use date may be ineffective, CDPHE said, but there are no negative side affects.

“The only risk is that it may not offer protection from COVID-19 the way a valid dose does, and the efficacy of the doses administered cannot be confirmed,” health officials wrote in the release.